Title: Exponents and Pattern Recognition
Grade: 6-7
Content: Math
Overview: Students will use pattern recognition, algorithmic thinking, and abstraction to develop an understanding of exponents.
Title: Algorithms and Music
Grade: 6-8
Content: Music
Overview: Based on their understanding of musical elements, students will write algorithms to sort music into playlists using conditional statements. They will make real world connections for how algorithms are used by them daily.

Title: Data Mining and Civilization Traits
Grade: 6-7
Content: Social Studies
Overview: Using data analysis of a text, students focus on organizing and looking for patterns within data to determine important concepts around civilizations.

Title: Catching the Big Bass with Data Analysis
Grade: 6
Content: Science
Overview: Students decompose a problem, collect and analyze water quality data, and create an algorithm to determine the best environment for a fish species.
Title: Using Computational Thinking to Write an Argumentative Essay
Grade: 7
Content: English Language Arts
Overview: Students will learn to write an argumentative essay with a focus on breaking the essay into more manageable parts (decomposition), identifying patterns within the essay, and recognizing this is a way to use algorithmic thinking in a new context.

Title: Computational Thinking and Evaluating a Crime Scene
Grade: 6
Content: STEM
Overview: Students will practice abstraction as they determine the important information needed to solve a crime.