With the passage of Chapter 979 of the Public Acts of 2022 by unanimous vote of the Tennessee General Assembly, all Local Education Agencies (LEA) and public charter schools are required to provide K-12 students with grade-level appropriate computer science education. Beginning in the 2024-25 school year, computer science (CS) will be embedded in grades K-5; middle school students will be required to take CS for one grading period during their 6th, 7th, or 8th grade year; and high school students will take CS as a graduation requirement.
To ensure teachers are properly trained and endorsed to deliver CS courses in middle and high school, the Computer Science Endorsement Pathway (CSEP) has been created. CSEP provides teachers with a no-cost route to computer science endorsement.
Are you interested in participating in the CS Endorsement Pathway Course?
Participants must already hold a valid TN academic teaching license for this course to result in an additional endorsement. It is not intended for initial licensure or certification.
The Spring 2025 Computer Science Endorsement Pathway course is full. Registration for the Fall 2025 Computer Science Endorsement Pathway course will be coming soon.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Liza Ambrose, Tennessee Department of Education Manager, Computer Science Endorsement Pathway at liza.ambrose@tn.gov.